Soda nail fungus on your feet

Between the media, against all the fungi from the nails in folk medicine, soda and nail fungus on the feet, it occupies a leading position. The food in such a short space of time and is able to remove the itching and burning and soothe inflammation and relieve the injured skin and on the boards.

caustic soda, when the fungus-nail -

How to work the soda into a mold

Of sodium or bicarbonate of sodium, it supports the body's the acid-alkaline balance, and is capable of creating unfavorable environment to pathogenic microflora.

How does it work with the soda:

  • it produces an effect of antibacterial – disinfects the affected areas.
  • it softens the skin and nail plate, can penetrate deep to the homes of the infection;
  • those who have already done the practice problems, preventing the spread of fungus to healthy nails and skin;
  • it lowers the acidity level in the areas of localization of the infection, which is a killer for the species.

Baking soda also relieves the division of the spores of the fungus, and it inhibits their development.

Revenue from the soda counter nail fungus on your feet

In the fight against the fungus of the foot (ringworm) and nails (onichamicose) of sodium is used.

  • at the disposal of the waste;
  • in the form of a solution.
  • as to the masses.

Depending on the stage of the disease, and the characteristics of the body, a substance that can be added to baths, and to make healing lotions and compresses, and also to combine it with other useful components (salt, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, soap).

Tubs of soda and against your nail bed fungus

To prepare a therapeutic solution for your bathroom, you need to:

  • 2 liters of boiled water (37 °to 40 ° C) or the juice of a calendula, dissolve in 50 g / l of sodium bicarbonate;
  • gently stir until complete dissolution in the water;
  • ready-made liquid to pour in to the prepared bowl to the foot.

In the soda house of the dip of the feet, and then wait for the water to cool completely. Then there are the feet, rinse under running water, pat dry with a soft towel and treat the traumatized space of the potatoes with the corn starch or powder.

baths with soda

Soda pop paste with mint

The leaves of fresh peppermint-peppermint crushed into mush, and mix it with salt, pepper and soda, and (1. h., l.). A homogeneous mixture put it in between your fingers and the damage to the nail, leave it for 25 to 35 minutes. The procedure to do this 1 time per day until complete recovery.

The combination of mint and soda, and the salt allows you to quickly relieve itching, eliminate the sensation of burning and pain, and to soothe and disinfect the problem areas.

Toothpaste with aloe vera and sodium hydroxide

50 g of baking soda, add a little water to form a creamy consistency. In a dense mass, infuse 15 ml) of aloe juice and mix it well.

Ready, the dough will need to lube the nail plate for a half-hour before you go to bed. Once the tool is dry, and you soak your feet will get wet, it is not possible.

The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 4 months.

The lye and soap

An excellent property in a softening solution of sodium hydroxide, and affordable soap or detergent. To do this you will need 3 gallons of warm water (not over 37 ° c) to dissolve 15 g / l of soap, and 30 g / l of sodium hydroxide. He finished the liquid and the steam, the feet for 10 to 15 minutes. After you have to cut his nails, and process them in a vinegar or iodine.

The processing of this order will last until the growth of a healthy nail.

Lotions soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

In 1 l of hot water dissolve in 100 g of baking soda (to pay vinegar), then add 200 ml of peroxide, and 150 ml of 9% vinegar. At the end of the solution to wet the cotton discs, apply it to the patient's nails, and give you a band-aid. Bandage change every 6 to 8 hours. To cure the fungus in the same way, for 35-40 days.

Sodium and iodine

In a bowl, pour in warmed up to 40 degrees in the water, add 50 grams of bicarbonate of soda, and 7 drops of alcoholic solution of iodine. Mix it all in and float on the liquid-foot for at least 10 minutes. After the procedure is to clean up problem areas from the layer of the cornea, and to treat the water, and allow it to dry alone.

For the recipe, it helps to get rid of the disease, about a month.

sodium from molds

Centre of the city, with a soda, and sea salt

To soften the skin, clean the affected, and to remove the inflammation, it will help in the solution of sodium bicarbonate, together with table salt.

Method of preparation:

  • to make a decoction in 2 liters of water for production, competitiveness, and the bark of the oak tree (30 g of each ingredient);
  • in the cooled to 37 ° c) of liquid add 3 St. l. soda, and salt, and stir until its complete dissolution;
  • drain the solution, pour it into a bowl, and start the procedure again.

The walk in this dish you need to keep 25 to 30 minutes, and then cut back to the maximum setting of the nail, and treat the problematic place of the vinegar and water, or iodine. The tool that kills fungi, bacteria, and inhibit their active sites.

Important! Soda-pop, the treatment is effective as an aid to the system's built-drugs, anti-onichamicose and mold it to stop. Revenue from the use of baking soda can be combined for a substitute. Importantly, prior to starting the treatment with your doctor and negotiate with him for all of the treatment options.

The baking soda kills the pathogenic microbiota and regulate the balance of acid-alkaline balance in the body, and to prevent the spread of a fungal infection. Their use in the fight against the onichamicose gives you the opportunity to quickly deal with a nasty illness and a desire to prevent a recurrence.